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Liu Dejian
Chairman of the Board and Executive Director - Mr. Liu led us to become one of the PRC’s leading online game and mobile Internet operations companies. He is mainly responsible for the overall business strategic development of the Group and is the chief game designer of our game development team. Mr. Liu leads the game development team on the design of the online game products. He formulates the development policy and contributes to the growth of the Company as a competitive online game operator and developer. Currently, Mr. Liu is committed to lead the company’s transformation to an international design-oriented enterprises, and actively promote Internet education, leading the Group to become China’s leading online education industry force. Apart from his management and leadership, Mr. Liu constantly holds training seminars to further enhance the development of our human resources. The Group was honoured as the “Top 30 Cultural Enterprises in the PRC at the Sixth Presentation Ceremony” (第六届全国文化企业三十 强) and “Forbes Global 2000” (福布斯全球企业两千强) in May 2014. In 2015, the Group was honoured as the “Top 30 Cultural Enterprises in the PRC at the Seventh Presentation Ceremony” (第七届全国文化企业三十强), “the 3rd place on Forbes’ China’s Listed Potential Enterprises Top 100” (福布斯中国潜力企业百强榜第三名), “Top 100 Internet Enterprises in PRC” (中 国互联网企业百强) and “Top 100 National Software Comprehensive Competitiveness Enterprises” (全国软件企业综合竞争力 百强). Prior to starting Fujian NetDragon Websoft Co., Ltd. (福建网龙计算器网络信息技术有限公司) (“NetDragon (Fujian)”), Mr. Liu graduated with a Bachelor’s degree of Science in Chemistry from University of Kansas in the USA in 1995. He had been the vice-president of Beso Biological Research Centre, Inc (“Beso”) from 1995 to 2005. He was also the vice-president of Fuzhou Yangzhenhua 851 Bio-Engineering Research Inc. (“Fuzhou 851”) from 1995 to 2000 and then promoted to be the president since 2001. Mr. Liu was first introduced to the technology of Internet during his study in the USA when he established a website for marketing of softwares. Anticipating that Internet would have a good development opportunity in the PRC, he founded NetDragon (Fujian) in 1999 when he came back to the PRC. He was awarded as the “Most Influential Person within the Online Game Industry in China in the Chinese Game Industry Annual Conference 2009” in January 2010 (「2009 年度 中国游戏产业最具影响力人物」). He was also awarded as “Excellent Entrepreneur of China Game Industry”* (「中国游戏行 业优秀企业家」) in the China Game Industry Annual Conference in December 2009. He was appointed as vice-chairman of Fujian Province Association of Youth Entrepreneur* (「福建省青年企业家协会」) in April 2006. He also obtained Fujian Youth Entrepreneur Achievement Award* (「福建青年创业成就奖」) in April 2005, Go Tone Fujian IT Industry Top 10 Outstanding Youth* (「全球通福建IT行业十大杰出青年」) in May 2005, Certificate of Fujian Entrepreneurial Tutor of the Chinese Youth Business International Programme* (「中国青年创业国际计划福建创业导师证书」) in June 2005, Fujian Youth Technology Award* (「福建省青年科技奖」) in March 2010, Software Outstanding Talent in Fujian Province* (「福建省软件杰出人 才」) in September 2010 and Entrepreneurial Excellence Award in Haixi* (「海西创业英才奖」) in April 2012, and he was appointed as a member of the Second Council of The Association for Redound Reposal, Fujian (福建省诚信促进会第二届理 事会) in July 2012. Mr. Liu received the Management Talent Award* (「领军人物奖」) in June 2011, Fujian business Building Haixi Outstanding Contribution Award* (「福建闽商建设海西突出贡献奖」) and Fujian Donations of Non-public Ownership Economy Welfare Outstanding Contribution Award* (「福建非公有制经济人士捐赠公益事业突出贡献奖」) in June 2013. Mr. Liu was awarded as the Entrepreneur of the Year in Entrepreneur Conference of CYZONE* (「创业邦年会年度创业人物」)in November 2013. As the developer of “91 assistant” software first person, Mr. Liu received the Progress Prize Second Award in Fujian Province Science and Technology* (「福建省科学技术进步二等奖」) in January 2014. Mr. Liu was awarded the Special Allowance Expert in State Council* (「国务院特殊津贴专家」) in January 2015, the Publishing Award for Outstanding People in Fujian Province* (「福建省优秀出版人物奖」) in September 2015 and the Economic Award of Chinese Businessman of 2016 (「2016年度华人经济人物」). Mr. Liu is also a director of NetDragon Websoft (Hong Kong) Limited (“NetDragon (Hong Kong)”) and NetDragon Websoft Inc. (“NetDragon (BVI)”).
Leung Lim Kin, Simon
Vice Chairman of the Board and Executive Director -
- Dr. Leung joined the Company in March 2015. He is responsible for the planning, consolidation and operation of the education business of the Company in the People’s Republic of China and the development of the online education business overseas.
- Dr. Leung had over 30 years of experience in both information technology and telecommunications industries. In 2005, he was appointed as the president of Motorola Asia-Pacific, a company principally engaged in the production of data communication and telecommunication equipment, where he was primarily responsible for the overall strategic planning and implementation in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 2008, Dr. Leung was the chief executive officer of Microsoft Greater China region, a company principally engaged in developing, manufacturing, licensing and sales of software products, where he was primarily responsible for overseeing overall business operations and for developing and implementing a regional strategy.
- Prior to joining the Company, Dr. Leung also held management roles at various educational institutions or corporations engaging in education business. From 2009 to 2010, he was the governor of the Upper Canada College, an educational institution, where he was primarily responsible for establishing and directing policy for the college and overseeing its financial affairs. In 2012, Dr. Leung was the chief executive officer of Harrow International Management Services Limited, a company principally engaged in the management of Harrow International Schools, where he was responsible for the development of new Harrow International Schools and education services in Asia.
- Dr. Leung received his bachelor of arts degree and an honorary doctorate in laws from the University of Western Ontario, Canada in 1978 and 2005 respectively and a doctorate in business administration from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2007.
- Dr. Leung currently serves as a member of the Ivey Asia Advisory Board of the Richard Ivey School of Business of the University of Western Ontairo, an educational institution, where he is primarily responsible for advising the school on its mission strategy in Asia. He is also a governor of Tung Wah College, an educational institution, where he is primarily responsible for determining key governance issues. He has been appointed as a member of the Steering Committee on Innovation and Technology of HKSAR. Since 2010, Dr. Leung has been a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Mr. Leung is also an independent non-executive director of Purapharm Corporation Limited (Stock Code: 1498) which is listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Liu Luyuan
Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer, Compliance Officer and one of the authorized representatives of the Company -
- Mr. Liu also serves as CEO of TQ Digital and director of NetDragon (BVI). Mr. Liu currently shoulders a number of social services, such as acting as director general of the West Taiwan Strait Youth Entrepreneurs Foundation, chairman of Fujian Youth Development Foundation, vice-chairman of the Fujian Youth Federation, executive vice-chairman of Fujian Enterprises and Entrepreneurs Confederation, chairman of Fujian Youth Entrepreneurs Association, is a standing committee member of the All- China Youth Federation, as well as a member of the CPPCC Fujian Provincial Committee.
- As an outstanding representative of the new social community taking part in the construction of the Fujian West-strait Economic Zone, Mr. Liu has been engaged in the operation and management of software enterprises and technology development since his graduation from Chengdu Electronic Technology University in 1997. He has decades of experience in the management and administration of technical institutions. In the company, Mr. Liu is in charge of overall management. He has setup the project management department, and introduced the game project management system to ensure a level of standards for game products. Meanwhile, as the company’s spokesman, he is also responsible for coordination with governmental departments, media, and other external parties, under which he has built up the company’s public reputation. By taking part in various activities on behalf of the company, he shared new ideas and new technologies in animation and game industry. Furthermore, the West Taiwan Strait Youth Entrepreneurs Foundation was setup to cultivate talent. This foundation, with up to RMB2 million in donations each year, offers enterprise training, interest free loans, and many other public services to support the game industry and youth business. Mr. Liu was awarded the “May 4th Youth Medal”, and the titles of “Brilliant Entrepreneur”, “Outstanding Young Person”, “Excellent Talent”, and “Fujian Entrepreneur with Outstanding Contributions”. Since 2013, Mr. Liu has won many honors, such as “Outstanding Contributions in Fujian Economic Construction”, “2012 Outstanding Entrepreneur in the 9th China Game Industry Annual Meeting”, and “Fujian Outstanding Entrepreneur”.
- Mr. Liu graduated from Chengdu Electronic Technology University in 1997, with a degree in electro-mechanical engineering, and later received an adjunct professor certificate from Fujian Normal University.
Chen Hongzhan
Executive Director, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer - Mr. Chen is the Vice President, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Director of the Company. He worked as a game developer before joining the Company in 2001. The technical team led by Mr. Chen is responsible for the development procedure of our games and the technical support to the production of our games. His technical support and experience have raised the efficiency and quality of the company’s game development department. He is an experienced online game developer with over 10 years of experience in the management of game development. He is mainly responsible for game development of the Company. Mr. Chen established his own online game studio from 1996 to 1999. Before joining us in 2001, Mr. Chen worked as the project manager in Chongqing Dazhong Software Company from 1998 to 2000 and the manager of the technical department in Beijing Beijibing Technology Development Company Limited from 2000 to 2001. Mr. Chen graduated with a Bachelor’s degree of Engineering in Mechanical Design and Manufacture (「机械设计及制造」) from Beihang University (「北京航空航天大学」) in July 1995.
Zheng Hui
Executive Director - Mr. Zheng is an Executive Director of the Company and responsible for the overall management and administration of the Group. Mr. Zheng manages our administrative department and provides supporting resources to our operation. Mr. Zheng also coordinates, supervises and manages the duties of our various departments. Mr. Zheng has more than 20 years of management and administration experience. He is one of the founding shareholders and has been appointed as the senior executive manager in NetDragon (Fujian) since 1999. Mr. Zheng is the legal representative and director of Fujian TQ Digital Inc. (福建天晴数码有 限公司), Fujian Province Huayu Education Technology Limited* (福建省华渔教育科技有限公司) and Fujian Tianquan Education Technology Limited* (福建天泉教育科技有限公司). At the same time, he is the director of Fujian Cultural Enterprises Association* (福建省文化企业协会理事), Vice Chairman of the Provincial Confidential Association*(省保密协会副会长), Vice Chairman of the Provincial Technology Market Association* (省技术市场协会副会长), the Committee of the Provincial Youth Federation *(省 青年联合会委员), the Secretary-General of Trade Development Association of Fuzhou City* (福州市服务贸易发展促进协会秘 书长), Honorary Chairman of the Gulou District Youth Federation* (鼓楼区青年联合会名誉主席) etc. and other social positions. Before founding NetDragon (Fujian) in 1999, Mr. Zheng worked in Beso and Fuzhou 851 from 1992 to 1999. He obtained a graduation certificate from the Continuing Education Institute of Beijing Normal University in 2000.
Lin Dongliang
Non-executive Director - Mr. Lin was appointed as a non-executive Director on 15 October 2007. Mr. Lin graduated with a Master’s degree in Engineering Management in 1986 from Tsinghua University. He is currently the general partner of IDG Capital Partners. Before he took up the post, he was the vice president of IDG Technology Venture Investment Inc., and has served as a general partner of IDG Technology Venture Investment since 1999. He has over 20 years of experience in venture investment. He was nominated by the IDG Group to the Board and was appointed as a non-executive Director since 15 December 2004.
Chao Guowei, Charles
Independent non-executive Director - Mr. Chao was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on 15 October 2007. Mr. Chao is also the chairman of the audit committee, a member of the remuneration committee and nomination committee. Mr. Chao is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of SINA Corporation, a publicly listed company in Nasdaq. Mr. Chao joined SINA Corporation as a Vice President of Finance in 1999 and served as its Co-Chief Operating Officer, President and Chief Financial Officer before his current position as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer before his current position as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Chao is also currently the Chairman of the board of directors of a leading social media company, “Weibo”, which is a publicly listed company in Nasdaq, and a dlirector of a leading real estate O2O integrated services platform “Leju Holdings”, which is a publicly listed company in New York Stock Exchange. Mr Chao was the Co-Chairman of the board of directors of a real estate services company “E-House”, which is a publicly listed company in New York Stock Exchange. Prior to joining SINA, Mr. Chao served as an experienced audit manager in PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to provide audit and business consulting services for companies in Silicon Valley, California. Mr. Chao was a certified public accountant and the member of AICPA. Mr. Chao graduated with a Master’s degree in professional Accounting from the University of Texas at Austin in 1993, a Master’s degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma in 1991 and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the Fudan University in 1988.
Lee Kwan Hung
Independent non-executive Director -
- Mr. Lee was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on 15 October 2007. Mr. Lee is also the chairman of our remuneration committee, a member of our audit committee and nomination committee.
- He is a practicing solicitor and received his LL.B (Honours) degree and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws from the University of Hong Kong in 1988 and 1989 respectively. He was then admitted as solicitor in Hong Kong in 1991 and in England and Wales in 1997. He joined Howse Williams Bowers, a law firm in Hong Kong, as a consultant in 2014.
- Mr. Lee is currently an independent non-executive director of Embry Holdings Limited, Asia Cassava Resources Holdings Limited, Newton Resources Ltd, Tenfu (Cayman) Holdings Co. Ltd, Landsea Green Properties Co., Ltd., China BlueChemical Limited, Futong Technology Development Holdings Limited, Red Star Macalline Group Corporation Ltd, FSE Engineering Holdings Limited, Ten Pao Group Holdings Limited and China Goldjoy Group Limited, the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange. Mr. Lee was also an independent non-executive director of (1) Yuexiu REIT Asset Management Limited between November 2005 and October 2014, (2) Far East Holdings International Limited between March 2012 and November 2014 and (3) Walker Group Holdings Ltd. between February 2011 and March 2016. Save as disclosed, in the three years preceding the Latest Practicable Date, Mr. Lee did not hold any directorship in other listed public companies or any major appointments.
Liu Sai Keung, Thomas
Independent non-executive Director - Mr. Liu is the Chief Operation Officer of Vision Credit Limited. He was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on 15 October 2007. Mr. Liu is also the chairman of our nomination committee, a member of our audit committee and remuneration committee. He graduated with a MBA degree from the Anderson School at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in Finance from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1995 and 1999 respectively. Prior to joining Vision Credit Limited in 2011, he served as the managing director of Vision Capital Group in 2009, the managing director of strategic investments of GroupM China from 2007 to 2009 and the vice president of Star Group Limited from 2006 to 2007. He has also served as a business development director of TOM Online Limited and an investment banking associate of the New York office of Lehman Brothers Inc.